Patch Notes

Patch 0.23.0 - Preparing Vikings

Published 3 April, 2024

Greeting Vikings,

In today's patch, we'll tidy up the bonfire and permanently integrate its cool features into Valhalla. This includes a new official spawn location, Clan tags, and a significant step towards soul bonding. Having caught your attention with the mention of soul bonding, let's now dive straight into it.

Wallet Address to Character IDs

We've adjusted our internal data handling to use character IDs instead of wallet addresses. This change led us to modify certain features, like the Clan system. Previously, Valhalla used the wallet address to invite other Vikings to your clan. But now, we use the Viking's username for invitations. Be careful, capitalization matters.

Clan Tags

To proudly present and promote clans, we are introducing clan tags. Whenever you are now in the open world and you are part of a clan, the clan tag will be displayed before your username between brackets. On top of that depending on your role in the clan, the tag will be displayed in different colors. Head over to Valhalla, join a clan, and discover which colors mean which role!

Player Roles

In addition to changing the color of clan tags based on roles, we're also introducing text color changes to usernames for special roles and developers. This addition will allow Vikings to identify these players effortlessly, join them in adventures, and feel comfortable seeking help when necessary.

Names above Veras

While we enjoy seeing numerous Veras wandering to find their owners, we noticed during the bonfire that it was challenging to recognize one's own Vera. To address this, we've added the owner's username along with the species name above each Vera.

New Fast Travel location

Previously, Vikings could not return to the starting beach without traversing the open world. Now, through the use of Obelisks' fast travel feature, Vikings can easily go back to the starting beach. To do this, interact with any Obelisk and select "Noob's Landing".

Contributive Emojis

Working and playing together is key to achieving this. Casting an Emoji near a Viking allows them to contribute by casting the same Emoji. However, there's a specific range; if the Viking is out of range, the Emoji will function as it did before.

New Render distance

To enhance individual gameplay performance, we've introduced a render distance feature in the in-game Settings Menu. This feature allows players to adjust their render distance based on their preference or decrease the distance to improve overall gameplay performance in the open world.

Ynghildr’s Make-over

Is that a bird? A plane? No, it’s Ynghildr! She has undergone a complete makeover and has become unrecognizable. Make sure to head of the Arches Keep to wave hi and let her know that she looks amazing.

Data infrastructure updated

In preparation for the mainnet we have made updates to the infrastructure which sadly also resets everybody's data. The good news is that if a server reset is necessary, the data will be safe!

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Vikings can now only view objects up to a certain distance. To make objects visible, you need to approach them.

Bugs fixes

  • Adjusted the open world colliders.
  • The Hub game mode is synced with the Open World game mode again.
  • The Settings Menu doesn’t reset and can be personalized again.
  • The delivery system has upgraded their system and invitation mails won’t be lost anymore.
  • Valhalla doesn’t suddenly get stuck on loading anymore.
  • Marthofn has learned to share his masterpieces and no longer causes your game to freeze when attempting to pick up your upgraded ship.
  • Returning to the title screen in Combat no longer takes you to the ground.
  • Items are now not dropped when Vikings run away from the battle.

That's all for today! While we've done our best to catch all the bugs, it's possible that a few might have slipped through. We have faith in our Vikings to help us identify and report any issues they come across. Don't hesitate to communicate with us about any problems or bugs you encounter through our community's Discord:

Until next time!

The Valhalla Team

That's all for today! While we've done our best to catch all the bugs, it's possible that a few might have slipped through. We have faith in our Vikings to help us identify and report any issues they come across. Don't hesitate to communicate with us about any problems or bugs you encounter through our community's Discord:

Until next time!

The Valhalla Team