How to play

Written Guide:

How to play Valhalla on the Optimism Goerli Testnet:

  1. Add the Metamask browser extension A new wallet to test is advised.
  2. Add Goerli Network to your wallet, using the following link:
  3. Go to to claim test tokens to play the alpha
  4. Make sure to switch to the Optimism Goerli Testnet in Metamask.

Once you’re done following the steps above hit “PLAY NOW” located in the top right corner of th website.

How to play PvP:

  1. Go to our battle arena prototype at
  2. Both players need to be logged in and click on “VS Friend” at the bottom right corner.
  3. Both need to send a request to the wallet address of the other player.
  4. Both players need to click “YES” once the challenge is sent to accept the battle.